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Capture leads from all sources
Contact them in seconds ⚡️

  • Capture leads from 100+ sources, instantly!

  • Auto-distribution of leads to team

  • Call or Whatsapp leads in seconds

  • Lead stage tracking & reports

For website (compact)for website (1).png
India's only business app with integrated
Business Phone Number + Whatsapp API + CRM
Integrate with Facebook ads, Google ads, Whatsapp, website, csv and many sources to get all leads into Superfone seamlessly

Capture leads
from all sources!

Superfone's CRM comes pre-integrated with all popular lead sources. 

  • Run efficient digital marketing campaigns.

  • All phone & whatsapp enquiries are stored as leads

  • All leads are shown seamlessly in the leads section of the Superfone app along with the lead source

Say goodbye to downloading CSVs & losing precious leads.

Contact leads fast ⚡with integrated phone & whatsapp

Contacting leads quickly improves chances of conversion by more than 100%. 

  • Instant lead alerts allow your team to contact leads quickly via Superfone app

  • Auto-assign leads for your team to get to work faster. Lead uploading & manual assignment not required

  • Whatsapp chatbot to send confirmation message to new leads with business information

  • Contact leads fast via Superfone's integrated business phone number and Whatsapp API

Get leads from all sources and contact them within seconds using in-built phone and whatsapp on Superfone app
Set tasks, assign leads and follow-up with Superfone CRM

Convert more leads
with follow-ups and reminders

Sales Conversion is all about timely follow-ups. Superfone has built in follow-ups and reminders to help you with this. 

  • Reminders ensure you never miss a follow-up with a potential lead

  • Notes help you capture important information like negotiation, customer requirement etc

  • Tags help you segregate your leads

AI-based Smart follow-ups (Coming Soon!)
Superfone will automatically follow-up with your leads via Whatsapp & calls.

It will also send you the list of leads that are not followed up by your team. 

Effortlessly monitor lead progress & team performance

  • Assign leads and tasks to your team and monitor performance from Superfone app and web dashboard. 

  • Activity Insights and reports that let you be on the top of your lead generation campaigns

  • Team member wise reports drive productivity improvement

Grow your sales, convert more leads with Superfone CRM

Don't waste money on other CRMs

We researched most of the CRMs available in India before developing Superfone All-in-One platform. 

Superfone's All-in-One approach is unique and caters to the needs of SMBs in India. 

Unlike other CRMs, Superfone is a complete Growth Platform for SMBs

The best and the most feature rich CRM for small business and SMBs
Watch the Demo video

25 mins

Hindi Demo

English Demo

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